Using the project titled "Tour de Constitution," activists wanted to continue "educating" children in Poland about LGBT with money from abroad, mostly America.
Now, they are surprised that they will not receive a single dollar for the project from Donald Trump's administration. The project, along with others, was included on a list of programs that were deemed "inconsistent with the administration's new policy priorities."
This is an unprecedented and deeply disturbing decision. Suspending legally allocated funds, undermining state obligations, and devaluing the work of social organizations means that agreements cease to be relevant, and key initiatives may be blocked for political reasons. — wrote Tour de Konstytucja on Facebook.
We do not agree with this. Agreements must be kept. Educational projects such as the Tour de Constitution are of fundamental importance for civil society and must not fall victim to arbitrary administrative decisions. We call for a reassessment of this position and the restoration of funds for the implementation of actions.
Jacek Sasin also commented on the Trump administration's decision on the X platform.
The right decision to end the financing of political racketeering. Those who cry the loudest are those who cry that foreign countries should not interfere in Polish politics - he said.
The US president's move is praised by the Lawyers for Poland Association. They assessed that this is a step towards "limiting the influence of external entities on the Polish political and social scene."
Tour de Constitution, despite its declared educational purpose, in fact, became a platform promoting a specific worldview, often in opposition to the values shared by a significant part of Polish society. Therefore, limiting the financing of this type of initiative helps restore public debate on more pluralistic principles, in which all parties can freely express their opinions without the dominance of one narrative supported by foreign funds.
PN: In other words: Thank you, Mr. President.
- Based on reporting by Wpolityce(.)pl and Niezalezna(.)pl