Useful Idiot - Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.Sen. Tom Harkin (yes, this post is about him), the Democratic chair of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, returned from a week long tour of Cuba with a shocking revelation: Cuba does much better in protecting children from dying than America.
“[Cuba‘s] a poor country, but they have a lower child mortality rate than ours,” ... “Their life expectancy is now greater than ours. It’s interesting — their public health system is quite remarkable.”
Harkin was also impressed with free medical care and free education. He reported that Cuban students don't have any educational debt. Senator Harkin failed to mention that Cuban family planning services (abortion clinics) also beat our own Planned Parenthood clinics. Cuba leads in abortion rates (even better then the New York City) in the world. While in the US "women haters" try to discourage women from having abortions, in Cuba many women are strongly encouraged to have one. This may explain low child mortality rates.
Harkin also failed to hail Cuban report on freedom of speech were, just as in the US, you can freely criticize american imperialism.
We can't wait for Senator Harkin to move to this paradise.
BTW: For some reason Sen. Harkin's speech on wonderful Cuban health system cannot be found on his official website. - Why? Read the post on Sen. Rubio's reaction.